共為你找到:3筆citi 相關企業資訊
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
本院「資訊科技創新研究中心」於民國96年2月設立,旨在統合現於本院資訊科學研究所、計算中心、以及相關所處進行的各項資訊技術的發展及應用的工作,並進一步推展本院與資訊科技相關之各項跨領域的研發工作。「資訊科技創新研究中心」的任務在於促使資訊科技的服務創新及使用,著重於關鍵性的資訊通訊基礎建設的建置,以及跨領域的資訊科技之研發與整合,以求對現今知識經濟及服務經濟體系裡的經濟發展與社會進步,有進一步提升的作用,同時也致力於創意發展,為人力資源儲備能量,維繫並提升我國總體的國際競爭力 「資訊科技創新研究中心」,目前包含網格與科學計算,數位典藏內容與技術,資通安全,智慧優網運算等四個專題中心。「資訊科技創新研究中心」所提供資訊技術的專業人力資源,將有助於本院以及其他機構的研究者,將研究結果進一步轉化為知識應用的創新系統雛形,並進行系統雛形的推廣、使用與評估以及進一步的技術移轉至新應用。經由進行這些工作,「資訊科技創新研究中心」可具體地善用具資通訊領域之專業知識及研發創意協助業界,促成業學界合作,進而帶動研發價值之提昇。
本公司為專業規劃 ,製作促銷宣傳贈品之國際貿易公司,成立至今已有20多年之歷史. 多年來本公司客戶群定位於具國際知名度之公司,如CITI、 PG、Reader’s Digest、Microsoft、PHILIPS……等,因客戶多數為國際知名公司,故本公司對企業CIS LOGO製作相當專業.(Corporate Identification System) 為因應禮贈品市場日新月異的需求及轉變,本公司於10年前將重心逐漸轉移至知名品牌之商品授權、設計、製造及行銷,並成功與多家國際知名時尚品牌公司做策略結合(如義大利FILA、Benetton F1、 Airwalk、USNS、Jack Wolfskin…….. 藉由知名品牌之高知名度達到提升商品價值及共同行銷之目的. 現階段本公司為美國知名時尚品牌Lynx及NATURALLY JOJO之企業贈品專案台灣總代理.本公司開發一系列的品牌商品,在絕對優惠的價位下,提供企業客戶獨特且相對高價值之贈品選擇(有別於以往各行業所採用之贈品),更能使受禮者深刻感受到企業主對客戶的真誠回饋. Lynx於全省各大百貨公司皆設有門市專櫃,另有復興旗艦店,提供紳士名媛更多購物選擇. NATURALLY JOJO 在全國各大百貨、門市的流行服飾及配件商品亦是時尚仕女們的最愛.在品牌與企業〝Joint Promotion〞的合作概念之下,超低價格即可達成. 期待業務高手加入本公司團隊,共創雙贏.
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