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Like Rotisserie Roast chicken? we got it! like other yummy stuff to go with it? Ha! got that too.Papa Poulet is a take away rostisserie located in Tienmu ,next to Shr Dong Market. We offer an advanced ordering system, simply call up , place your order and pick up at your chosen time. Our full menu can be found here in the photos below. We are open from Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am-8pm, but closed in the afternoon from 2-3:30pm To get there take the MRT to ZhiShan station then the free Tagashimaya shuttle bus to Tagashimaya. We are one block behind Mr Doughnut
The story of Eddy’s Cantina Back in the old country Mario and Rosa Gonzalez the young newly weds of Guadalajara had their first born child (a girl named Irlanda) and then immigrated to Canada. Shortly after in the small town of Kitimat B.C. Canada Eddy and younger brother Kyle were born. Since childhood Mario and Rosa taught the children the secrets of cooking Mexican food that were taught to them by their parents. Some time later Eddy moved to Taipei where he met his soon to be wife Jo Tzeng. After they married Jo mentioned that her dream was to open a small eatery or coffee shop because she was really a people person. The couple agreed but Eddy insisted that everything should be Mexican so they decided to open a burrito stand to first see how people would react to Mexican food in Taiwan,they called it Eddy Burrito. 10 months flew by and the couple decided to move to a nearbylocation where they could offer customers decent food at a decent price in a decent atmosphere. Eddy’s Cantina was born. Now the couple runs the small restaurant where customers can come and get Mexican food and Mexican Drinks at reasonable prices. 我們的故事 從前一對來自墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉的新婚夫妻—馬力歐(Mario)和羅莎(Rosa),他們育有一個可愛的女兒叫愛爾蓮達(Irlanda)艾迪的媽媽,隨後移民到加拿大。多年後,在加拿大的一個小鎮Kitimat,艾迪和弟弟凱爾(Kyle)誕生了。艾迪和凱爾小時候父母就開始傳授他們的墨西哥菜家傳食譜,就如他們的祖父母曾經傳授給他們父母一樣。 後來艾迪在台灣遇見了他的妻子Jo。Jo曾經對艾迪說過,因為她是一個好客的人,所以夢想可以開一家餐廳或咖啡廳。艾迪希望能夠以墨西哥菜為主題,所以為了想要進一步了解台灣人對墨西哥菜的反應,他們在淡水老街,從一個賣墨西哥捲餅的攤子做起,這個小攤子就叫做『艾迪捲餅』(Eddy Burrito)。 就這樣十個月過了,他們決定找個好一點的地方,提供給顧客更好的用餐環境跟品質,於是在附近開了這家小餐廳,以最平實的價格,提供大家最道地的墨西哥餐飲;『艾迪墨西哥餐廳』就此誕生。
For over 30 years, FOR DAH Industry Co., Ltd. has been the leader in Taiwan in the planning, design, development and manufacture of whole plant equipment for the production of PP/HDPE woven bag, onion bag, cement bag and HD/LDPE blowing type bag. Through our continuous research and development, advanced manufacturing capabiilty, and a strong commitment to customer service, FOR DAH has firmly established itself as a dependable supplier of whole plant equipment. FOR DAH’s engineering department continuously seeks higher production rates, better production quality, and better systems control for all equipment. No matter whether you are looking for a single machine or whole plant equipment, you get outstanding production know-how resulting from our brilliant engineering background.
先鋒投顧專注於境外共同基金,希望普羅大眾都能以共同基金為工具,學習到如何有效投資,並進而建立起正確理財觀念。基於此,先鋒投顧於民國91年4月成立至今,深受國際級基金公司及投資人信任,目前在台灣總代理三個系列基金,分別是:先機環球系列基金 (Skandia Global Funds )、歐義銳榮系列基金 (Eurizon Easyfund)以及瑞萬通博系列基金 (Vontobel Fund)。此外,先鋒投顧更於民國96年開始,建立起業界第一的基金超市,提供給投資人兼具「專業」、「便利」、「安全」、「便宜」的境外基金投資管道。 先機環球、歐義銳榮、瑞萬通博系列基金總代理 憑藉著卓越的服務及深入的國際市場研究,先鋒投顧陸續引進三個系列的境外基金產品,不只為投資人提供國際級且誠信專業的資產管理服務,也協助客戶進行正確的資產管理,以實現其財務目標。 先鋒投顧目前與國內知名銀行、證券公司及投顧公司合作銷售其總代理之基金,合作機構包括土地銀行、合作金庫、華南銀行、彰化銀行、國泰世華銀行、高雄銀行、兆豐商銀、臺灣中小企銀、渣打商銀、台中商銀、京城銀行、華泰銀行、新光銀行、陽信銀行、板信銀行、聯邦銀行、匯豐銀行、遠東銀行、元大銀行、永豐銀行、萬泰銀行、星展銀行、大眾銀行、日盛銀行、安泰銀行、慶豐銀行、上海商銀、金鼎投顧、金鼎證券、寶來證券、第一銀行、新壽證券、先鋒投顧,並將陸續增加。未來先鋒投顧仍會繼續提供客戶世界級的最新金融商品及服務,以滿足投資人對理財的不同需求。 業界領先的 先鋒基金超市 先鋒基金超市秉持著「Pay Less, Get More」的宗旨,讓投資人以少許合理成本,就能享受先鋒投顧專業的市場分析與境外基金諮詢服務,並獲得更多元、更完善的投資機會。目前超市上銷售超過 23個系列基金,包括:先機環球、歐義銳榮、瑞萬通博、保誠MG、保誠國際IOF、富通、景順、全盛MFS、創利德(盧森堡)系列(原環球沛智)、友邦環球、安勤瑞士(原友邦瑞士)、比利時聯合資產、羅素、保德信、德意志、利安、首域、邁倫、百達、英傑華、瑞意銀行、安本環球、愛德蒙得洛希爾等系列基金。目前是全台灣銷售產品最為齊全的網路超市,幾乎囊括了所有類型基金,像是少見的歐非中東基金、日本債券基金、農糧基金、氣候變遷基金等新種基金,都可以在網站上申購,讓投資人就像真的在逛「基金超市」,一次就可以購足所需的基金。 【安全】 先鋒基金超市是業界第一個合法境外基金交易平台,率先於2007年四月取得全台首張「境外基金電子交易業務執照」,對於安全性的要求非常高。基金超市系統設計之初,就將「資金流」與「資訊流」分開:「資金流」方面,投資人的錢透過台灣集中保管結算所進行交割及股數分配,其安全性無虞;而「資訊流」部份,由於先鋒基金超市採用「安全傳輸協議SSL」層層加密,投資人的個人資訊在嚴格保護下,不需要有資料外洩的擔憂。 【專業】 先鋒基金超市每個月固定舉辦說明會,為投資人提供最新市場訊息。網站上也提供了各市場的研究報告,做為投資人買賣基金的參考依據。先鋒基金超市首創SKYPE及MSN線上客服,就是為了要讓投資人的問題在第一時間獲得解答,面對金融市場的震盪也能夠安心。 【便利】 先鋒基金超市提供可以模擬下單的「歷史績效」,以及可加入追蹤的「觀察名單」等功能,投資人還可以自設停損停利點,當基金報酬達到設定標準時,系統就會通知,讓投資人更能掌握投資狀況。 【便宜】 先鋒基金超市不論景氣變遷,始終一本初衷,堅持將網路交易節省下來的人力成本回饋給客戶。投資人只要透過網路購買,最低可以享有三折的優惠;而每年千分之二的信託保管費及1.5%的債轉股手續費也都可以減免,而且上述優惠不但不限制基金種類,也是終生受惠,為投資人省下投資成本。 先鋒投顧不斷追求卓越的精神引導下,搭配上長期、穩定的客戶服務,未來仍將協助客戶於第一時間掌握投資先機,創造優秀的投資績效,進而在新一波的財富重分配下成為贏家。 為先機環球基金在台之總代理 95 年 7 月 31 日 金管證四字第 0950132230 號 為歐義銳榮資產管理公司在台之總代理 96 年 10 月 26 日 金管證四字第 0960055199 號 為瑞萬通博管理股份有限公司在台之總代理 98 年 3 月 18 日 金管證四字第 0980001067 號 先鋒證券投資顧問已加入中華民國證券投資信託暨顧問商業同業公會並為其會員成員。 中華民國證券投資信託暨顧問商業同業公會網址: http://www.sitca.org.tw
電腦零組件、CPU散熱器、電腦連接線 Intorducing ForceTake ForceTake is a company specializing in research and development of thermal solutions and products for computer systems. ForceTake designs and manufactures heat-dissipating devices for CPU/VGA/RAMs with a system approach because handling of thermal problems becomes more and more important as processing speeds of computers get faster and faster. We believe the ultimate solution of thermal problems can most efficiently be solved by system consideration. Our solutions also take into consideration of power users and DIY experts. You can count on us as a reliable provider of all high performance heat-dissipating products for computer devices.
高點教育出版集團成立於1990年,為國內辦學績效最優之輔考機構。歷年來已 輔導上萬人次考取研究所考試、高普考試、會計師考試…等各項升學、就業、照證考試。這是一個成功的序幕,在高點未來的規劃藍圖中,彌補正規教育的不足、善盡社會教育角色的扮演,是一切理想計劃實現的指導原則。高點每一位工作伙伴,皆須日新又新!歡迎您加入精進的團隊! 高點教育出版集團下一個世紀的事業版圖,將涵蓋「進修教育、專業出版、網路教學」三大願景。目前旗下 擁有高點研究所、高上高普考、來勝證照者、孔王會計師班、高點律師司法官班、登峰留學美語機構、建國理工醫研究所…等國內知名校外進修機構,以及諸多學術領域、實務領域之專業出版公司。未來在跨時空及地域限制的網路教學 工作上將挹注更多的地方。
About Us Neatek Technology, Inc. drawing on the skills and experiences of the founder, we began to market customized single board computers and their peripherals for our first few years since 1984. In the after, Neatek made a strategic step to get closer working with system integrators and the users, with this acquisition and over one decade fields experiences, we posited as a professional bridge in between the applications and the resources
大瑞科技秉持技術創新精神,提供半導體、LED及太陽能產業高品質低成本之產品及服務。走過蓽路藍縷的草創階段,大瑞科技已經是全球BGA、CSP等高端IC封裝用錫球之領導廠商,終端應用產品包括CPU、繪圖晶片、DDR甚至手持行動裝置所需晶片。 2010年大瑞科技透過購併、組織擴編成立IC、LED及太陽能晶片封裝用之銲線材料事業部,不僅在高單價位金線外提供客戶低成本之替代性材料-銀線及銅線,也讓大瑞科技在原有高階IC封裝材料領域外跨入LED及太陽能等深具未來成長潛力的產業。 大瑞科技以一貫誠正信實之理念,提供全方位解決方案之服務精神,正逐步擴大封裝材料之市場版圖。 Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. (PMTC) upholds the spirit of technological innovation and offers its services to Semiconductor, LED and Solar Energy Industry with high quality and low cost products. After go through the initial stage of production, PMTC has become one of the world’s largest solder balls supplier for BGA, CSP and other high-end IC packaging. Its application is the chips required in CPU, GPU, DDR and even hand-held mobile device. In Year 2010, through the acquisition, Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. expands and organizes a new material division – alloy wire, which used in chip packaging of IC, LED and Solar Energy Industry. We provide an alternative low cost materials, silver wires and copper wires to replace the high cost material (gold wire). Thus, besides current high-end IC industry, Profound Material Technology Co. Ltd. has also get into the packaging materials territory in LED and Solar Energy, the future potential industry. With the philosophy of "honest is faithful"; and providing a comprehensive solutions service to customer, PMTC being gradually expanded its territory of packaging materials market.
Winic corporation was established in 1987, we manufacture a wide range products at our own factories here in Taiwan and control the manufacturing and the supply. In twenty years, we kept developing new items and show them up in the market. To offer the more competitive price of the products, we get them make in China and the quality of the products all fit to the clients inquiry as well. The ROHS products for environmental protection are the major emphasis we have engaged in recently. Our products are in four categories.(For more details, please surf on our website: http://www.winic.com) 1. PCI and PCI express Add-On Card Products. 2. USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 Products. 3. PCMCIA and PCMCIA express/Card bus Products. 4. Cable Accessories. We are expected to design and research new items to satisfy all customers and markets requirements in the future. Winic provides the most competitive USB Cable and Ethernet Cable for clients, hence they returned more profits. You will get more returns; just place the orders with Winic! Our company is ISO9001 certified, and we welcome OEM and ODM orders and also develop new products as you need.
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