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於1982年董事長呂明通先生在台灣成立三崧貿易有限公司(與上鮮農產有限公司為同體關係企業)網址:www.3shine.com.tw,開始以出口本產蔬果為主要業務,後來因為台灣工資昂貴、耕種土地取得不易,價格無法與國外出口商競爭,於是逐步轉型改為進口蔬果為主要業務,主要的進口以根、莖、花果菜為主,特別以西洋芹菜、結球萵苣、青花菜為大宗,目前我們公司的超人氣招牌商品-T&A羅美心,特別甜脆多汁,賣相極佳。 三崧公司能夠穩定成長,主要是我們對於品質嚴格把關、產品多樣化、穩定的供應市場,與國外的優質廠商長期配合,以品質優.鮮,供貨平價.穩定,深受消費大眾的信賴,消費者可以在好市多、頂好、松青、佳世客、Jasens等超市、及全省各地的傳統市場買到我們進口的新鮮蔬果。 有鑑於國人對健康、安心、無農藥、無化學殘留的新鮮蔬果需求日益增加。我們於2001年開始進口國際有機認證的新鮮有機蔬果,提供消費者豐富的多樣化的選擇。 We are an importers of all kinds fruits and vegetables here in Taiwan like Romaine Heart, Lettuce, Broccoli, Celery, Onions, Carrots, Paprika, Pumpkins, Citrus fruits, Potatoes, Radish, Yams, Cabbage and organic apples, organic potatoes, organic Citrus etc. from different countries all over the world, and our main focus is to give our customers high and premium quality for their satisfaction. * Three Shine started import and export business in 1982 * Retail Sales was established in 2001 * Three Shine Trading is working with reputable suppliers worldwide to source fresh produce with best quality and competitive prices. * All items imported by Three Shine passed strict inspection and with traceability capability that consumers can enjoy produce with no need for safety concern. 主要商品 / 服務項目: 我們進口世界各地優質的新鮮蔬果. 我們進口的蔬果品質新鮮、健康、安心. 我們進口的蔬果品項最多樣化. 我們的供應貨源最穩定. 我們的業務人員24小時接聽電話. 我們與顧客互動頻繁. 直接進口、包裝、配送提供最佳服務. 於1982年成立貿易部. 於2001年成立超市業務部. 於2003年成立餐飲業&超市包裝配送部
Skytex Company is a specialist to supply textile machinery, material products.  Since 1988 ● M.D. MR WANG works for TAIWAN NEEDLE LOOM MACHINE Manufacturer. ( 1977-1988 ) ● SKYTEX was built in 1988 and started to sell  > NARROW FABRIC NEEDLE LOOM AND  > HOOK LOOP ( VELCRO) TAPE MAKING MACHINERY,AND PARTS AS, LENO HEALD, LANCET, NEEDLE ROLLER HOOK CUTTER. ● 1990, Start to design and produce  > CONTINOUS DYEING MACHINE for use of the NYLON BRA. STRAP dyeing And finishing.  > HANK SPRAY DYEING MACHINE for STRAP, ROPE dyeing ● 1991, Start to dealing and export  > LACE BAND CROCHET KNITTING MACHINE  > FANCY YARN CROCHET KNITTING MACHINE  > FULLY AUTO SHOELACE TIPPING MACHINE   TIPPING FILM ● 1992, Start to design and produce  > DIRECT WARPING MACHINE for high quality tapes  making field. ● 1997, Start to design and produce  > HIGH SPEED BRAID KNITTING MACHINE ● 2000, Special design and produce for buyer  > SAFETY BELT CONTINUOUS DYEING MACHINE for car industry.  Production capacity: 30 meters x 4 tapes (120 meters/min)  > SAFETY BELT WINDING MACHINE ● 2004, Special design and produce for buyer  > FABRIC STEAM DRYER ( 4 cylinder ).  > FABRIC BATCH WINDING MACHINE ( 900mmD x  1750mmL) ● 2004, Modified design and produce  > HIGH SPEED BRAID KNITTING MACHINE ,for heavy  elastic braid.  > RUBBER THREAD WARPING MACHINE, for bare or  covered rubber We can supply the newest technology and systematic plan, including the design of PRODUCTION LINE, RAW MATERIAL, MACHINERY MANUFACTURING, INSTALLATION, TEST RUNNING and KNOW-HOW. SKYTEX COMPANY can offer our best service for you sincerely and we are glad to be your a good partner.
MET Laboratories was founded by Leonard Frier as Maryland Electrical Testing in 1959. As the customer base quickly expanded beyond Maryland, the name was changed to MET Electrical Testing Company. Originally, the company focused on testing high voltage electrical transmission and distribution systems. In the 1970’s, MET was among the first laboratories to perform EMI and telecommunications testing to the emerging FCC regulations. In 1988, MET became the first Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) in the United States for testing and certifying products to UL safety standards In 1992, MET changed its focus exclusively to testing and certification of electrical products - whether in the laboratory or at customer locations. Consequently, the name changed to the present MET Laboratories. Also in 1992, the MET test report became accepted in 30 countries through the IECEE Certified Body (CB) Scheme MET has been a pioneer in testing and certification services and continues to be in the forefront of the electrical standards industry.
專營日本美髮相關產品,除引進日本新工具及新技術外,特別就熱塑燙髮市場鑽研,為消費者提供高品質燙髮,朝著成立臺灣ALEN熱塑技術聯盟,結合志同道合之士,共同為美髮工業努力。 同時取得日本SAFETY公司美髮產品總代理,提供國內美髮沙龍高水準之護髮、染髮、燙髮及清潔造型材料工具,為尊榮的客戶細心照顧。 同年日本最新之直髮燙髮技術正興起,桑多麗受其神奇功效影響,亦即時引進OPS縮毛矯正,端正燙髮必須承受髮質傷害的後果。
We are a manufacturer in Taiwan. Our main products are PC (polycarbonate) lenses and AC (acrylic) lenses. We also serve AC reading lenses, CR lenses, Goggles, and Industrial safety eyeglasses. Our company was founded in 1983. Our original name is Yuan Shang Optical Co., Ltd. In 1990, we renamed our company Tsarn Shyan Fa Enterprise Co., Ltd. " Tsarn " in Chinese means " three " as our company was founded by three brothers, Mr. Nan-Ying Hsu , and Mr. Yu-Pang Hsu, and Mr. Ying-Ho Hsu. We have sold our products to many domestic companies and our products have been exported to foreign countries ( Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, etc. ) through trading companies in Taiwan as well. Our lenses are able to meet ANSI, EN and AS standards. With strong Research and Development capability, we established an international trade department in 2003.
世電電測有限公司為一專精於電磁波(EMC)及全球安規(Safety)的測試實驗室, 提供電子產品進入各國市場販售前的檢測服務。 我司人員皆於業界服務多年,公司風氣熱情、活潑, 歡迎想挑戰業務工作的您,前來加入我們的行列。
亞信檢測科技股份有限公司,為電性安規測試實驗室,並且為擁有BSMI及TAF資格之國家指定實驗室,以專業的團隊,提供客戶世界各國的產品測試與驗證服務,是專業致力於產品安全規範研究、測試的SAFETY以及EMC測試驗證服務之實驗室。 本實驗室能協助廠商在短時間內獲得世界各國之安規認證及專利申請,使您的產品能迅速進入世界各國行銷。 服務產品範圍:涵蓋資訊、通訊、家電、影音、運動器材、手工具、不斷電系統、零件類、汽車零件、機械、無線產品燈具等所有帶電產品之安全規範測試認證。
Pacific Star Technologies Corp., founded in 1997 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, is an international company with a worldwide distribution network. The companys expertise lies in the manufacturing and development of rugged computer products and POS/Kiosk products for various vertical markets. Pacific Star, a locally rooted company, aims to foster mutual partnerships with customers and bring the latest technologies to the market place. A western management is utilized and open communications are simultaneously reinforced in the companys operations to promote the employees innovative and creative capabilities. The PST4612 Mobile Computer was the companys flagship product acquired from the IBM Corporation in 1999 and it helped the company to enter successful partnership with Psion Teklogix, a world leading company in the rugged computers and RFID market place. The targeted industries included: transportation, logistics management, manufacturing, food and beverage, retail, public safety and utilities. Pacific Star is looking forward confidently to the future challenges offered by this exclusive niche market and the retail market, due to its flexibility and experienced workforce. The company plans to further strengthen its foothold in these demanding markets and continue to satisfy the growing demand for its products.
一、公司簡介 公司自民國79年成立,期初以研發為主,至85年起配合電力公司及電信局監控業務, 蓬勃發展至今擴充為人員100人以上之公司。 Controlnet was built up in May, 1990 and registered in Taiwan area with a registered capital at NT$80,000,000 in 2002. There are more than 90 employees in Taiwan and 100 in the mainland. Controlnet is one of the leader companies in China in the field of professional SCADA application. It is successful to accomplish monitoring and control management systems to save cost and ensure safety and administration for many industries and buildings. It did save the human, material power resources for power company and telecommunication companies. In those projects, they recovered their investment cost within two years. Those were: - Monitoring Control in thousand for Telecom Base of Power Equipments with hierarchical structure in wide area; - Power SCADA Systems for High Voltage/Super High Voltage Stations in Taiwan Power Company; - Automatic Monitoring Control System for Manufacture Processes; - Sewage plant disposal Process control Monitoring; - Elevator/Lift control system; - Remote Video Surveillance System for Safety in MPEG-4.
成立時間: 西元1998年 經營據點: 總部設於台北 國內門市:共300個 經營理念: 八方雲集自成立以來,在極短的時間內即獲得消費者極佳的口碑。這樣的一份殊榮,除了是對八方雲集的絕對肯定外,更是我們研發努力精進、產品推陳出新的一股最大的動力。鍋貼水餃專賣市場快速的成功,更使本公司經營的眼光從區域性之北中台灣擴展到全台灣。隨著自由化的市場趨勢,八方雲集將秉持一貫的研發創新的精神與回饋社會的經營理念,取各國製造技術與多變性的創意風味,陸續推出各式精緻美食,惠而不費,是現代人飲食的最佳選擇。 榮耀事蹟: 八方雲集創立於民國87年6月間,迄今邁入第十年,一直秉持良心,以最新鮮、衛生、最優良的產品,提供給廣大的消費者,贏得市場極佳的口碑,更為各加盟分店創造優渥的利潤,並連續獲得88、89、90年食品金牌獎、90年顧客滿意度金質獎、91年度金字招牌獎及92年度國家品質保證金像獎。 93年總部通過經濟部GSP優良服務認證。 八方雲集自成立以來,在極短的時間內即獲得消費者的信賴與讚賞。這樣的一份殊榮,除了是對八方雲集的絕對肯定外,更是我們研發努力精進、產品推陳出新的最大動力。 擁有獨特美味的產品,使本公司經營的版圖從區域性擴展到全台灣。隨著自由化的市場趨勢,八方雲集將秉持一貫的創新精神與回饋社會的經營理念,取各國先進的製造技術與多變性的創意風味,陸續推出各式精緻、物超所值的美食,是現代人飲食的最佳選擇。 未來願景: 八方雲集鍋貼水餃專賣店將以更多元化的發展為努力目標,期望成為台灣美食舞台上最耀眼的明星,迎接更美好的企業遠景! 企業文化: 品質(Quality) 卓越的品質及獨特的產品一直是八方雲集追求的最高原則,現有產品的提昇與改良,製程效率的改善,新產品的研發與創新,皆是推動八方雲集不斷前進的最大動力。 服務(Service) 追求最大化的顧客滿意度為所有員工應隨時奉行的圭臬,優良品質與完善服務為一體之兩面,八方團隊將盡最大的努力以贏得消費者的信任與認同。 速度(Speed) 憑藉著專業的技術與積極的工作態度,八方團隊培養專業優秀的員工以追求工作效率最大化,提供快速及時的產品與服務。 安全(Safety) 八方雲集以「創造幸福」的團隊自許,致力於員工人身安全的保障、工安意外的防範等…相同的,也讓消費者能擁有相同的幸福,提供安全的產品與舒適的用餐環境,期許「八方雲集」成為消費者心中鍋貼水餃的第一
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